My Books
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"Nightmares Live Here" - My first print publication! Released in the late summer of 2019, this is an anthology of original short horror and scary stories, written by myself and three other experienced writers (including ToastPop's editor-in-chief who creates the cover art)

"Neon Lights" - An anthology of suspenseful, speculative fiction stories all with a nineteen-eighties setting. Released in December 2019.
"Imagine That" - Four family-centered stories blended with a touch of magic. Released in April 2021.
"Dreams of Dust"- six speculative fiction/fantasy stories where the true nature of certain dreams are revealed. I also co-edited this collection. Released in June 2022.
"Lessons Learned"- four dark, dramatic stories of tough lives and choices made. Released in May 2020.
"Never After" - Three fairy tales unlike anything you have ever read before! Released in January 2020.
"Misunderstood: Tales of the Villans" - Five different stories spotlighting the antagonist's perspective. Released in June 2020.
I've also published through Kindle Vella: a Kindle-based outlet for serialized stories.
My Kindle Vella stories: