Writing Lessons & Advice: Word Count for Stories
A well-rounded story has characters, plot, setting, and theme. Without these, a story falls flat. Additionally, a story can be defined by...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Literary Genres
Key ingredients of a typical story are setting, characters, plot, and theme. A story’s plot can have unique qualities that ultimately...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Essay Help- Choosing an Essay Topic
How do I decide what to cook? The things that either I or my husband like are a good place to start. I narrow down the options further...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Resumes
One small task in my full-time job is to review resumes. I do so to make sure potential training staff meet the state’s criteria for...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Parts of Speech
A study from Stanford University identified the top twenty errors found in undergraduate writing. The number one error is using the...