Writing Lessons & Advice: Boosting Creativity
One of my Christmas presents in 2024 was a Tome Writing Toolkit , a computer-based and user-customized resource that guides and...
Writing Lessons & Advice: Info Dumps
How does a prepared food dish end up less enjoyable than it could be, if not ruined altogether? Too much flavor could have been used or...
Writing Lessons & Advice: Writing with AI
NANOWRIMO 2024 created waves last month by attempting to voice a neutral stance on the use of writing with artificial intelligence (AI). ...
Writing Lessons & Advice: Dialogue
I can’t come up with any cooking analogies for this topic this time; home construction lent itself better to the discussion. Most...
Writing Lessons & Advice: Setting
Let’s say we’re writing a story with a character named Bob. Bob is going to experience great events as the story unfolds. This story...
Writing Lessons & Advice: Voice
A common positive critique I’ve gotten on my Reedsy stories is having a strong voice, so I thought I’d explore that idea as a lesson. I’m...
Writing Lessons & Advice: Synonyms
Sauces, spices, and seasonings contribute to the flavor of a lot of prepared food. Sometimes they define the entrée, like teriyaki...
Writing Lessons & Advice: Story Star Life Simulator
I’m a fan of simulation games. The sandbox, open-world, world-building, customizable, role-playing, and/or choice-driven elements this...
Writing Lessons & Advice: Show-and-Tell
To the average Joe, the term show-and-tell might conjure up memories from early school days when they or classmates brought special items...
Writing Lessons & Advice: Basics of Plot
I feel a need to apologize...my pantsing ways have caught up with me. I recently realized that, in my previous lesson about plot and...