Writing Lessons & Advice: Literary Holidays
It seems like every day can be a holiday and every month is one for some kind of recognition, remembrance, or awareness. Many are...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Myths on Writing
I recently learned the old show, Mythbusters , is one of my husband’s favorites. He was home more often over the summer for reasons I’ll...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Info Dumps
How does a prepared food dish end up less enjoyable than it could be, if not ruined altogether? Too much flavor could have been used or...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Book Resumes
A previous lesson touched on the controversies of banned and challenged books. These measures aim to limit, if not remove, material from...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Book It Turns Forty
Millennials, like me, grew up with some unique cultural experiences. While we indulged in the earliest, if not the best, years of...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Banned Books
Have you ever thought about the phrase, “The pen is mightier than the sword”? It implies that the written word can be more effective than...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Reading
A cooking hobbyist may read cookbooks to learn new recipes or techniques. In the same way, a writer is suggested to read to improve their...