Writing Lessons & Advice: Info Dumps
How does a prepared food dish end up less enjoyable than it could be, if not ruined altogether? Too much flavor could have been used or...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Synonyms
Sauces, spices, and seasonings contribute to the flavor of a lot of prepared food. Sometimes they define the entrée, like teriyaki...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Essay Help- Writing Paragraphs
You have an essay project. You’ve decided on a topic, started some research, taken some notes on your findings, and maybe even have a...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Confusing Words
Lately, I’ve been practicing cooking pancakes. I’ve learned that cooking them on my mini-griddle makes them really thick but not done in...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Reading
A cooking hobbyist may read cookbooks to learn new recipes or techniques. In the same way, a writer is suggested to read to improve their...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Writing Emails
Throughout history, the act of writing has embraced many tools and mediums. Writers of previous centuries wrote with quill pen and ink....

Writing Lessons & Advice: Punctuation
I touched on how punctuation is a fundamental ingredient to good writing but I only skimmed the surface of the subject. This lesson is a...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Essay Help-Introductions
In school, learning the basics of grammar is not enough. That knowledge base gets put to practice by writing projects like essays,...

Writing Lessons & Advice: My Recipe for Good Writing
For my first Lessons & Advice post, I'm reviving some notes from an old lesson I wrote during my time in education. I taught a middle...