Writing Lessons & Advice: Myths on Writing
I recently learned the old show, Mythbusters , is one of my husband’s favorites. He was home more often over the summer for reasons I’ll...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Info Dumps
How does a prepared food dish end up less enjoyable than it could be, if not ruined altogether? Too much flavor could have been used or...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Writing with AI
NANOWRIMO 2024 created waves last month by attempting to voice a neutral stance on the use of writing with artificial intelligence (AI). ...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Dialogue
I can’t come up with any cooking analogies for this topic this time; home construction lent itself better to the discussion. Most...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Characters
KISS has an odd song from the eighties called “ A World Without Heroes ”. Society would be quite a lawless, hopeless place without them,...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Setting
Let’s say we’re writing a story with a character named Bob. Bob is going to experience great events as the story unfolds. This story...

Writing Lessons & Advice: Story Titles
“What’s in a name, that which we call a rose by any other would smell as sweet?” In this well-known line from Romeo and Juliet , Juliet...