Writing Lessons & Advice

Budding writers often look to their published counterparts for advice in the art or business. I know for a fact Terri Blackstock has a section of her website devoted to advice for writers interested in learning from her.
Those who know me know I spent my college years aspiring to be an English teacher, though perhaps for the better that profession didn't work out for me. Then I got involved with essay tutoring until COVID affected my opportunities. In lockdowns, I started to dabble with Quora, a question-and-answer-oriented social media platform, and have started to carve my niche in responding to english and writing-related topics.
I know right now I'm a far cry from Terri Blackstock, Steven King, J.K. Rowling, Neil Gaiman, and others, but my background and experiences on Quora have given me the idea to revive my web blog with some posts focused on providing lessons and advice in areas of writing--much like I would as a teacher or tutor, and much like I do on Quora. Teaching isn't my official profession, but it still seems to be my heart. Regardless of wherever I end up in my creative writing ventures, hopefully I can help other aspirational writers and learners be a little more successful in their work.
Here's a topical table of contents for the lessons at a glance. Many topics will overlap. A cooking theme is prevalent throughout many lessons. As of September 2023, posts are published once or twice a month. Keep up with new Lessons & Advice by either subscribing to the email list or following the socials! I'd love to give some time to any fresh ideas as well, so please, as always, feel free to reach out to me! I hope you continue to stick around Writing Lessons & Advice and grow as a writer!
Grammar, Punctuation, and Other Basics
Creative Writing
Essay Help
Writing and Life/Skills and Applications
Related to Writing
Coming soon:
Story Conflicts
Writing a Dating Profile
Writing Thank You Notes
Common Writing Errors
Writers Across the U.S.
Educational and Development Opportunities
The Ampersand
Dealing with Doubt
Writing a two-weeks notice
Writing Greeting Cards
Elements of Strong Writing
Forward Slashes
Word Games
How to Write Poetry
English Class Appreciation